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Fort Marion: 1938

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Fort Marion National Monument. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Fort Marion National Monument. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.


Grand Canyon: 1938

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Grand Canyon National Park. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Grand Canyon National Park. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.


Zion: 1938

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Zion National Park. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Zion National Park. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.


Lassen Volcanic National Park: 1938

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Lassen Volcanic National Park. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.

Circa 1938 National Park Service silkscreen poster for Lassen Volcanic National Park. View full size. Available as a Juniper Gallery fine-art print.


Tony the Bootblack: 1924

July 25, 1924. "Tony, a 12-year-old bootblack, at his station in Bowling Green, New York City. He says he makes from $2 to $3 a day regularly." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine (one of his final NCLC photos).

July 25, 1924. "Tony, a 12-year-old bootblack, at his station in Bowling Green, New York City. He says he makes from $2 to $3 a day regularly." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine (one of his final NCLC photos).


Tooth and Nail: 1917

April 1917. "Daily inspection of teeth and fingernails. Older pupils make the inspection under the direction of teacher who records results. This has been done every day this year. School #49, Comanche County, Oklahoma (near Lawton)." View full size. Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine. Alternate version here.

April 1917. "Daily inspection of teeth and fingernails. Older pupils make the inspection under the direction of teacher who records results. This has been done every day this year. School #49, Comanche County, Oklahoma (near Lawton)." View full size. Photograph by Lewis Wickes Hine. Alternate version here.


Comanche County: 1916

Oct. 10, 1916. Comanche County, Oklahoma. "School #45, Ash Grove; Miss Hazel McKay, Teacher. One-room school in fair condition. Opened Sept. 4 for 8 month term. Enrollment 22, average attendance 15; last year: enrollment 27, average attendance 15. The balance are picking cotton and also five more that have not enrolled at all. Pickers may be out two weeks more. Teacher expects 30 enrolled after picking is over." View full size. Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

Oct. 10, 1916. Comanche County, Oklahoma. "School #45, Ash Grove; Miss Hazel McKay, Teacher. One-room school in fair condition. Opened Sept. 4 for 8 month term. Enrollment 22, average attendance 15; last year: enrollment 27, average attendance 15. The balance are picking cotton and also five more that have not enrolled at all. Pickers may be out two weeks more. Teacher expects 30 enrolled after picking is over." View full size. Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


Alley Cats: 1909

March 1909. "Bowling alley boys of New Haven, Connecticut. Many of these work until late at night." View full size. Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

March 1909. "Bowling alley boys of New Haven, Connecticut. Many of these work until late at night." View full size. Photo and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


Meet the Hazels: 1916

Nov. 10, 1916. Vicinity of Bowling Green, Kentucky. "Hazel family (very poorly educated). Children have not been to school this year although living within 1½ miles of school." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

Nov. 10, 1916. Vicinity of Bowling Green, Kentucky. "Hazel family (very poorly educated). Children have not been to school this year although living within 1½ miles of school." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


Brooklyn Pin Boys: 1910

April 1910. "1 a.m. Pin boys working in Subway Bowling Alleys, 65 South Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., every night. Three smaller boys were kept out of the photo by Boss." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

April 1910. "1 a.m. Pin boys working in Subway Bowling Alleys, 65 South Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., every night. Three smaller boys were kept out of the photo by Boss." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


Life in the Slow Lane: 1910

February 1910. "Bowling Alleys connected with Geo. P. Gray's Bastable Cafe on Genesee Street. About eight very small boys employed here. Work until midnight. Photo taken at 11:30 p.m." View full size. Photo & caption: Lewis Wickes Hine.

February 1910. "Bowling Alleys connected with Geo. P. Gray's Bastable Cafe on Genesee Street. About eight very small boys employed here. Work until midnight. Photo taken at 11:30 p.m." View full size. Photo & caption: Lewis Wickes Hine.


Les Miserables: 1911

October 1911. Lowell, Massachusetts. "Pin boys in Les Miserables Alleys. Frank Jarose, 7 Fayette St., Mellens Court, said 11 years old, made $3.72 last week. Joseph Philip, 5 Wall St., said 11 years old, and works until midnight every week night; said he made $2.25 last week and $1.75 the week before. Willie Payton, 196 Fayette St., said 11 years old, made over $2 last week, works there every night until midnight." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.

October 1911. Lowell, Massachusetts. "Pin boys in Les Miserables Alleys. Frank Jarose, 7 Fayette St., Mellens Court, said 11 years old, made $3.72 last week. Joseph Philip, 5 Wall St., said 11 years old, and works until midnight every week night; said he made $2.25 last week and $1.75 the week before. Willie Payton, 196 Fayette St., said 11 years old, made over $2 last week, works there every night until midnight." View full size. Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine.


Trenton Pinsetters: 1909

December 20, 1909. "Boys working in Arcade Bowling Alley, Trenton, New Jersey. Photo taken late at night. The boys work until midnight and later." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.

December 20, 1909. "Boys working in Arcade Bowling Alley, Trenton, New Jersey. Photo taken late at night. The boys work until midnight and later." Photograph and caption by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.


Camden: 1938

October 1938. Factory workers' homes in Camden, New Jersey. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Arthur Rothstein, Farm Security Administration.

October 1938. Factory workers' homes in Camden, New Jersey. View full size. 35mm nitrate negative by Arthur Rothstein, Farm Security Administration.


Deadwood Stamp Mill: 1888

"Clean Up Day" at the Deadwood Terra Gold Stamp Mill near Terraville in the Dakota Territory. Ore fed into the mill is stamped, or crushed, to prepare it for the chemical extraction of gold. Photograph by John C.H. Grabill. View full size.

"Clean Up Day" at the Deadwood Terra Gold Stamp Mill near Terraville in the Dakota Territory. Ore fed into the mill is stamped, or crushed, to prepare it for the chemical extraction of gold. Photograph by John C.H. Grabill. View full size.

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