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Eversharp: 1946

March 3, 1946. "Foyer, Eversharp Inc., Empire State Building, New York. Raymond Loewy Associates, client." Luxe showroom of the pencil and pen maker. Large-format acetate negative by Gottscho-Schleisner. View full size.

March 3, 1946. "Foyer, Eversharp Inc., Empire State Building, New York. Raymond Loewy Associates, client." Luxe showroom of the pencil and pen maker. Large-format acetate negative by Gottscho-Schleisner. View full size.


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Add a lonely-looking receptionist and you have the Edward Hopper lobby!

Consumables, Ben, Consumables

Re $3.99 maximum ring-up noted by betabox: I wonder if these Eversharp pens and pencils were the ink-jet printers of their day. The pens and pencils cost $3.99 or less, but they got you when you ordered your ink/lead refills!

The Cash Register

I love cash registers, so I'm always happy to see them in situ, especially when there's a special alcove especially for them!

The thing I wonder about though is that register appears only to be able to ring up sales totaling $3.99 or less. I can't imagine that would be adequate for the purpose.

[$9.99, no? Or perhaps the dollar wheel had two digits? -tterrace]

I see 21 keys for money. That's 9 for pennies, 9 for dimes, and 3 for dollars. It was common for these types of machine not to have a full set of dollar keys.

Crass Commercialization

As a kid in the 1950s my favorite "pencil" was an Eversharp. I find it appalling that they have placed the clunky cash register so prominently in this handsome décor!

Could it be

that the "magical curtains" are on the other side of the window, thus allowing the ceiling lights to be reflected in this side of the glass?

A moment's reflection

I think that at least some of the lights seen 'through the curtain' and beyond might be reflections of those in the foreground. The curtain is on the other side of the glass.

Although not a "font junkie," I do like many of the scripts that were used in advertising from the '30s through until maybe the mid-'60s. I suspect that the "Eversharp" script was composed of no established font, rather like the word "Marantz" on my receiver, but it looks excellent.

Re: Magic

I think the curtain is on the far side of the glass. What we're seeing is a reflection of the lights on this side. Note the slight discontinuity of the light that's partially "behind" the curtain, on the right side.

Magical Curtains

Although they seem to be opaque, they don't even dim the ceiling lights.

Must've been expensive!

All this space just to sell some Pens & Pencils?

Did the client sit in one of the chairs while an associate brought them writing implements for their approval?

The Cash Register seems rather tacky, the upscale clientele would never do anything as crass as pay with cash.

Always thought it was

Evers Harp.

Eversharp Fountain Pens

I have a collection of Wahl and Eversharp pens which is quite varied. They made some classic Art Deco style pens in the 1920's and went thru to the 1940's and later with Art Moderne designs. They were a competitor of Parker, Sheaffer, and some of the other big names in fountain pens in that era.

Raymond Loewy!

Raymond Loewy is one of my heroes. The scope of his work is absolutely amazing: Streamlined engines for the Pennsylvania Railroad, the soda fountain Coke Dispenser, the Shell logo, the Studebaker Avanti. I'm barely describing his impact as one of the great designers of the 20th Century.

Push Pull Click Click

Change blades that quick with new Eversharp-Schick Injector Razor.

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