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Tantucket: 1957

August 1957. "Nantucket sunbathing. Also Fishing, Lounging, Teenagers." 35mm Kodachrome by Toni Frissell for the Sports Illustrated assignment "Nantucket Essay." View full size.

August 1957. "Nantucket sunbathing. Also Fishing, Lounging, Teenagers." 35mm Kodachrome by Toni Frissell for the Sports Illustrated assignment "Nantucket Essay." View full size.


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Today’s Top 5

Studio setting

This looks like it was done in a studio with a photo backdrop.

[Haha. Nope. - Dave]

Tanning Oil

These two beach beauties are glistening under a layer of what might very well be nothing more than Johnson's Baby Oil, which had an SPF factor of just about zero. It's the primary reason why we used to come home from the beach 65 years ago practically glowing in the dark.

This photo was taken in 1957 when Nantucket was actually still almost affordable for a middle class family looking for a nice beach vacation or even a modest second vacation home. Today? Median home price for the entire island is $3.3 million; average price is $4.4 million. On the water? You might have to add a zero.

The Hoi Polloi

In 1957, I would have been one of the kids past this beach down by the Jetties at the public beach. My mom and my grandmother took us to the public beach every day and had sandwiches. No swimming for an hour! But, there often was a sandbar for us to play and dig on. No sandbar? Let's jump off the dunes. And, at the end of the day, a peach ice cream cone (sometimes). Like so many beach clubs in the northeast, there was a fleet of teenage boys that set up the umbrellas both here at the Cliffside (better tips!) and the public beach where there was also a bathhouse for changing that my grandmother rented. We kept all our stuff there. And we had a specific umbrella and a spot on the beach too. No need to pay for a fancy beach. That was for the New Yorkers. When this series of pictures came out, there was a black and white photo of a boy in the Jetties bathhouse. My family was sure it was me. Maybe it was! Thanks for the photo.

Hah --

Even back then, one could tell 2-percenters at the beach. And there probably isn't beach service where they're sitting, so kudos for roughing it.

Re: Umbrellalignment

Great headline on my posting! Thanks!!

[Please, no applause -- just throw money! - Dave]


Looks like they're still lining them up today!!

Limericks --

I guess we have to make up our own.

Cliffside clubbers

This looks like the Cliffside Beach Club off Jefferson Avenue. We hoi polloi would either use the "Gaza Strip", a continuation of Jefferson Ave down to the water's edge, shown at the upper right between the two high fences, or go to Jetties Beach around the corner beyond the breakwater.

Umbrellas a la OCD

Is there a beach umbrella liner-upper? I've never seen a beach this coordinated.

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