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Comic-Con: 1942

July 1942. "Nyssa, Oregon. Japanese-American boys at the newsstand on their weekly visit to town." Acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Office of War Information. View full size.

July 1942. "Nyssa, Oregon. Japanese-American boys at the newsstand on their weekly visit to town." Acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Office of War Information. View full size.


Lumber Numberer: 1942

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Measuring logs to determine board-feet." Photo by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Measuring logs to determine board-feet." Photo by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Log Lading: 1942

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Loading large logs on truck for transport to railroad flatcar." Photo: Russell Lee, Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Loading large logs on truck for transport to railroad flatcar." Photo: Russell Lee, Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Medium Tedium: 1942

June 1942. "Escambia Farms, Florida. Grading eggs in the FSA cooperative. The cooperative hires these men by the day to do the grading." 4x5 inch acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

June 1942. "Escambia Farms, Florida. Grading eggs in the FSA cooperative. The cooperative hires these men by the day to do the grading." 4x5 inch acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Beach Policeman: 1922

        Commemorating the Potomac Thighway Patrol's 100th anniversary, and one of Shorpy's most popular posts --
June 30, 1922. "Washington policeman Bill Norton measuring the distance between knee and suit at the Tidal Basin bathing beach after Col. Sherrill, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds, issued an order that suits not be over six inches above the knee." 4x5 inch glass negative, National Photo Company Collection. View full size.

        Commemorating the Potomac Thighway Patrol's 100th anniversary, and one of Shorpy's most popular posts --

June 30, 1922. "Washington policeman Bill Norton measuring the distance between knee and suit at the Tidal Basin bathing beach after Col. Sherrill, Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds, issued an order that suits not be over six inches above the knee." 4x5 inch glass negative, National Photo Company Collection. View full size.


Flight Line: 1942

October 1942. "Long lines of A-20 attack bombers roll ceaselessly, night and day, through the Douglas Aircraft plant at Long Beach, California. The A-20 is used by the American Air Force and the Royal Air Force (RAF) for hedge-hopping and strafing operations against ground troops and installations -- also for reconnaissance work and night fighting. It is armed for its several duties with light and heavy caliber guns in varying combinations." 4x5 acetate negative by Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information. View full size.

October 1942. "Long lines of A-20 attack bombers roll ceaselessly, night and day, through the Douglas Aircraft plant at Long Beach, California. The A-20 is used by the American Air Force and the Royal Air Force (RAF) for hedge-hopping and strafing operations against ground troops and installations -- also for reconnaissance work and night fighting. It is armed for its several duties with light and heavy caliber guns in varying combinations." 4x5 acetate negative by Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information. View full size.


Sand Reef: 1942

January 14, 1942. "Prince and Princess Alexis Zalstem-Zalessky, residence in Palm Beach, Florida. Miss Knoop, Mr. Wessel, Prince (standing) and Princess on beach. Treanor & Fatio, architect." 5x7 inch acetate negative by Gottscho-Schleisner. View full size.

January 14, 1942. "Prince and Princess Alexis Zalstem-Zalessky, residence in Palm Beach, Florida. Miss Knoop, Mr. Wessel, Prince (standing) and Princess on beach. Treanor & Fatio, architect." 5x7 inch acetate negative by Gottscho-Schleisner. View full size.


Oregon Greaser: 1942

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Greasing a logging truck." Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Greasing a logging truck." Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Bell System: 1942

July 1942. "Oakridge, Oregon. Population 520. Town telephone switchboard." Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1942. "Oakridge, Oregon. Population 520. Town telephone switchboard." Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Three Trees: 1942

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Lumberjack on truckload of logs." Acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1942. "Grant County, Oregon. Malheur National Forest. Lumberjack on truckload of logs." Acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


City Fruit Stand: 1942

May 1942. "Childersburg, Alabama. Street scene." Medium format acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

May 1942. "Childersburg, Alabama. Street scene." Medium format acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Shady Rest: 1942

May 1942. "Childersburg, Alabama. Rooms for rent." Medium format acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

May 1942. "Childersburg, Alabama. Rooms for rent." Medium format acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Old News: 1942

May 1942. "Childersburg, Alabama. Police force." Medium format acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

May 1942. "Childersburg, Alabama. Police force." Medium format acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


Bustling Baker: 1942

June 1942. "Baker, Florida. Crossroads in nearest town to Escambia Farms." Acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Adminisration. View full size.

June 1942. "Baker, Florida. Crossroads in nearest town to Escambia Farms." Acetate negative by John Collier for the Farm Security Adminisration. View full size.


Two-Banana Lunch: 1942

June 1942. "Shasta Dam, Shasta County, California. Workmen." Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Office of War Information. View full size.

June 1942. "Shasta Dam, Shasta County, California. Workmen." Medium format acetate negative by Russell Lee for the Office of War Information. View full size.

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