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Tuskegee Airmen: 1945

332nd Fighter Group airmen at a briefing in Ramitelli, Italy. March 1945. Foreground: Emile G. Clifton of San Francisco and Richard S. "Rip" Harder of Brooklyn. Photo by Toni Frissell. View full size.

332nd Fighter Group airmen at a briefing in Ramitelli, Italy. March 1945. Foreground: Emile G. Clifton of San Francisco and Richard S. "Rip" Harder of Brooklyn. Photo by Toni Frissell. View full size.


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Konjo Koiff the Mad-Gician

Emile G. Clifton, Jr., known as "Cliff", was a magician from the San Francisco area that performed as Konjo Koiff the Mad-Gician in the 1950s.

He was a captain and fighter pilot for the famed Tuskeegee Airmen during World War II and was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross.

Clifton was a member of IBM Ring 38 in San Francisco and a magic instructor at Tom Dethlefson's Golden Gate Magic Co. in San Francisco. He was listed as the "staff artist" for the first issues of Woodfield's Magicana and also illustrator for some magic books. Died 1984.


Can anyone ID the subjects. Have a friend whos dad was with the 33rd and would like to get this for him.

Tuskegee Airmen

It is indeed refreshing to find a photo of the Tuskegee airmen I haven't seen. A reminder of men who excelled in the face of adversity. For despite all the challenges they knew this was a country worth fighting and dying for!


I was fortunate enough to have worked with a guy who flew with the 332nd. He was never bitter about any race issue in the military. He was just dang proud to have done something for his country. He also said the planes were a blast to fly. I salute the group, and all vets, this holiday weekend.

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