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Tractor Fair: 1922

Washington circa 1922. "Ford Motor Co. panorama No. 4." An exhibit of Ford cars and Fordson tractors. National Photo Co. glass negative. View full size.

Washington circa 1922. "Ford Motor Co. panorama No. 4." An exhibit of Ford cars and Fordson tractors. National Photo Co. glass negative. View full size.


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Conjunction Junction

A fascinating view of the the diverse applications of the basic tractor engine. I love the lone bored drummer in the bandstand. Can any Fort Meigs experts out there identify the buildings in the background?

Washington Post Oct 15, 1922

$3,000,000 Tractor Display

Ford Motors Exhibit at Camp Meigs October 24 to 28 Will Cover Six Acres,
Sixty Tractors to be Used
Operating Exhibition to Include Road Building, Farming, Railroading and Saw-Milling

Under the auspices of the Ford Motor Company and the Ford dealers of Washington, a Fordson exposition is to be staged at Camp Meigs October 24-28, inclusive. The exposition, at which will be shown all the various uses to which a Fordson tractor can be put and the various types of machinery that can be used suitably in conjunction with it, will cover six acres of ground and have 25,000 square feet under canvas. The total value of the exhibit will exceed $3,000,000. Similar displays have been held throughout the country since May.

Daily demonstrations will be made with every piece of machinery on the grounds. Agricultural and industrial displays of tractor ability will be shown with 60 tractors in constant operation.

Included in the exhibition will be the tractors utilized as locomotives by the installation of special flanged wheels. These tractors will haul railroad cars over a specially constructed track. There will be featured also a complete lumbering operation, where huge logs are "snaked" in by tractor to large stationary sawmills, also tractor powered, and then converted into lumber by skilled sawyers. Loading machinery of the most advanced types, mounted on Fordson tractors, will give an exhibition of transferring loads of dirt and gravel, in huge trailing bodies drawn by tractor. Lime pulverizers and rock crushers also will be tractor operated.

Tractors will be shown in connection with all types of road-building and road-maintaining equipment, scrapers, ditchers, scoop shovels and graders, representing the latest and most efficient development of many of the largest manufacturing concerns of the country in this type of machinery.

Every phase of agricultural work will be shown, from tractor powered thrashing machines to Fordson-powered plows, potato and peanut diggers, farm sawmill equipment, electric lighting plants for house and barn, mowers, hay balers, stackers and other standard implements. Novelties in this line include ensilage and feet cutters and tall silo fillers.

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