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The Red Truck: 1940

Field workers in Mississippi circa 1940. View full size. 35mm color transparency by Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration.

Field workers in Mississippi circa 1940. View full size. 35mm color transparency by Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration.


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International C Series

This truck could also be an early 1937 model as the International C Series trucks were current from April 1934 until March 1937. The completely restyled International D Series trucks were not introduced until March 1937.

This truck looks like a 1936 IHC 1-ton Model C30 Platform Stake Truck. International trucks were available in sizes ranging from 1/2 ton C-1 and C-5 models to the 7 1/2 ton A-8 model. The ligher models had 'skirted' front fenders, but the heavier models, as shown here, wore 'flowing' fenders.

The four cylinder models (C-5, M-3, and C-20) were powered by Waukesha engines, while all 6 cylinder models used International engines.

International continued to recover from the Great Depression. Calendar year registrations were 31,555 in 1934; jumped to 53,471 in 1935; and advanced again in 1936 to 71,958 giving them a 11.03% market share in 1936 and third place in truck sales.

With the introduction of the C Series trucks, International no longer needed Willys-Overland to produce the old 1/2 ton D-1 series of trucks.

Old school truck

You won't see a lot of those trucks these days. Personally, I think they're pretty old school and that adds much to their mystique.

[When I was a kid, we rode on an old school bus. - Dave]

About the truck.

About the truck. Right now in Auto in the Ontario section there is a 1934 Dodge Brothers truck for sale that is the spittin' image of the truck in the picture, right down to the color.

[Does it say INTERNATIONAL on the hood? - Dave]


Just beautiful. And yes, the wind in the trees has a painterly effect, reminds me of Van Gogh's "Cypresses."

International Harvester Truck

Looks like a 1936 model, possibly 1935.

The wind

Can you feel the wind in the picture? Look at how it shapes the trees.

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