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Terry's Coffee Shop: 1941

September 1941. "Transport truck in service station. Scottsbluff, Nebraska." Medium format acetate negative by Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

September 1941. "Transport truck in service station. Scottsbluff, Nebraska." Medium format acetate negative by Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


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Part of the Terry Carpenter empire.

Terry Carpenter was an entrepreneur in far western Nebraska who became a perpetual office seeker, and multimillionaire. He started service stations, restaurants, a refinery, and even started a town bearing his name -- Terrytown, across the river from Scottsbluff. In 1941 he had a string of service stations in western Nebraska, Wyoming and South Dakota which he later sold.

No doubt owned by this man --

Um ... interesting bio. Small town Caesar.

Safety First

I imagine the urns at either end of the island are for cigarettes.

So Twin Peaks

I bet Terry's was a lot like the Double R Diner. Any minute now, a Norma-esque (RIP Peggy Lipton) character is going to sashay into view, wearing an acetate apron and an enigmatic smile, brandishing a brimming pot of the scrumptious piping hot joe that had Agent Cooper captivated from the first sip. Make his pie (and mine) cherry. The owls are not what they seem! And here comes the log lady.

Look Ma!

There's one of those "New 10 Wheelers"

$0.189 in 1941 is worth $3.47 today

While 18.9 cents looks like a bargain for gas, it was a lot of coin in 1941.

Great name for a coffee shop

Seriously, who wouldn't get a fresh hot cup of coffee at Terry's? There's no way I could not stop there. I bet they serve pie. Make it blackberry, please. And the coffee? Freshly roasted and nicely balanced, no need for cream or sugar. The aroma from its piping hot vapors accompanies your every sip. Its effect is both becalming and uplifting, and the road ahead just seems easier after. Ah, yes, coffee at Terry's. And, yes, the tuna melt comes on sliced sourdough. We call it the Terry Special. Black coffee, blackberry pie, and a tuna melt on sourdough. Your favorites? What a coincidence!

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